Tube Amp recommendation

I know this probably comes up quite a bit and for good reason. I personally live in a medium size city (pop. 350,000) where the only audio stores carry solid state and in most case multi-hundred watt amplifiers where no one can listen to anything other than the typical big names. I've searched as many forums as I can over the past month and can't come to any conclusions.

I've bought and sold a lot of vintage gear, and recently "dispersed" all of it in order to simplify and downsize, sadly this included my vinyl as well. I decided to cash out of my higher end stuff. I'm looking for a tube amp with at least two inputs and volume, so depending on your definitions, an integrated. I don't need more than 20 watts and won't pay extra for a higher watt amp, but I don't want to pay extra just for a low watter either. I'm limited by funds, absolutely no recs more than $1200 USD will be considered, so we're mostly talking about Chinese gear. I'd like used modern gear, while maintaining gear isn't a problem, I'm not particularly keen on owning any more older stuff. My source is Apple lossless Ipod/Music Server, eventually an outboard DAC will be added. Room is 25x25. I listen to a little of everything. I'll be DIY'ing my own full-rangers more than likely based on Fostex, so efficiency will be high, above 95db and I can tune the speakers to the amp.

So what are my options other than Opera/Consonance? I had my eye on a Melody 2A3, but they seem to be fairly uncommon in the U.S.
It might be one of those premature ideas but hay......lets see where this goes (I would not suggested it to someone who likes to pick his stuff from the magazine's recommended list but someone with the vision and imagination....and confidence in his/her decision making). This is actualy something that worked - at least in this case. I have kind of came about this after my recent experience (work on my amps) with Bob of RHB Sound Dezign and my best friend's plunge in, on new Emerald Physics CS-2 speakers base on my stupid advice ( no, it has nothing to do with speakers. He just bought Cybers 211 mono-block that he dreamed about and was going to use them with high sensitivity speakers-not CS-2s). It turned out that his rushed and emotional decision wasn't entirely thought through. His budget like the Ice Age melted away and his (new) system's performance/existence became big question mark.
He was in desperate need of quality amp (that will match his Cybers 211) to drive the CS-2 bass drivers in bi-amp configuration (which is necessary and a must with this speakers). His target amount for that miracle amp was $500 ( possibly )now or $1000-$1250 in at least 3 months (but speakers would have to stay in the box).
Since I was part of the problem, I felt that it was really necessary to find the solution to hi$ problem. Solution that would not only work for the time being and sort of a temporary fix but an actual way to make this setup work, and work well.
What we came up with was an excellent inexpensive amp (used from AgoN) that excel in the bass department, that also had a good design foundation and represent good value (now and resale). It will serve its purpose now and when time i$ right he will get in touch with Bob and try to get the most out of this amp as possible within the budget ($600-$700). I believe that with Bob's help he will be a realy, realy happy. And his system will be the WHOLE and then some.

Used Rogue, Jolida, just noticed nice pair of Wright Sound 300B mono-blocks for under ($900)(knowing George Wright reputation and modder Bob Backert's love for tube gear and good design. I think it would be a perfect amp for future upgrades. This amp had some work done - so it is already tweaked to some point. But still, I am sure some of Bob's magic dust would make this a truely great peace to own (I don't know the seller in any way, shape or form). Sometimes there are realy interesting peaces on sell for grabs but you have to know what it is that you are looking for. So keep your eyes open. Happy hunting.
Good luck &
enjoy the music
The Rogue Atlas bought with the MAGNUM upgrade is a steal for the extra $600 it transforms a good solid amplifier into a Excellent one .The tubes are upgraded to the EH-kt-90, resistors are upgraded, power supplys heavilly beefed up, caps are the excellent Mundorfs from Germany that are then Bypassed with 1% poly caps to make them even better.better connectors and some wiring modifications .
What a difference IMO this amp nows betters the stereo 90
and for under $1800 over 90 wpc.
Highly recommended and looks retro cool.
I recently purchased a prima luna prologue 6 and I am more than satisfied. From what I've read it's a tossup between Primaluna and Rogue.
What I don't understand is that a lot of guys assume
you will get more for your moneys if you buy a decent chinese made amp,this does not allways hold true.
I listened and searched far and wide comparing and through several Audiophile clubs and reviews the Rogue name keep coming up, for 1.
it is built in the U.S ,and the build quality is excellent
the heart of any good tube amp is the transformers all
are over sized and high silicon steel and wound in the U.S
which is far better than the inferior quality steel made overseas,and the parts quality is a whoes who of name brands.Look at the entry level Titan, series and for an extra $600the - MAGNUM
you have a fully Hotrodded amp that is very good and for less than the competition and more wpc. If you could buy a product built in the U.S.A that is at least = to or better and with a better warranty and keeps American job in America
why wouldn't you ? p.s Do your home work before buying.
All I am trying to say is compare and check out the inside where it counts most !!
I agree with Audioman58. I'm not a flag flyer but there's some great deals on US made gear. I recently purchased a used Rogue Cronus Magnum from Agon and it's been like having a new born baby. I think about it all day and can't wait to come home to it. After 31 years of solid state, it's a really nice change for me. Rogue's customer service is nothing short of amazing. I have emailed Mark O'Brien from Rogue, and he's even called me on my cell phone. It makes no difference to him whether you bought his gear new or used. He treats me as though I'm his greatest customer, and that's how he treats anyone who owns a Rogue. I'm not saying that there's no good Chinese stuff out there because I have no idea. Hopefully I'm never going to have to find out, because that would be the result of no more US manufacturers.