TADs SS Hibachi Amps

Any reviews on these amps by Bizzy Bee?
You're right it's not a joke.

But if you order the Hibachi amp today you get a set of Ginsu speaker cables free.
lol Paul at Tad just has a sense of humor is all. I have his tad 60 amp and his 2.1 setup to boot. Good, tank built and muuuusical as all get out.
Yes, it would be interesting to hear something from someno who has used these.They seem like an interesting product.Does anyone know do they use bipolar or MOSfet transistors?
I wrote a review in that section a couple of months ago. These amps are a giant killer. They mate very well with the TAD 150 and my Vandy 2CE signatures. They make the Vandys sound lively, detailed, and transparent. Huge soundstage. Came back over from tubes for these...