Need help with upgrade path

I'm using a BAT VK-300x integrated with vr4jr speakers and need your advice on an upgrade path to balanced separates. I can try different amps while still using the pre-amp section of the integrated but I'm not sure it is up to the job. As it is now I can't audition a preamp so I plan on upgrading this later.

I'm looking for an amp with better bass control and more oomph while still being nimble and detailed on a budget of 3k to 5k. Some of the amps I'm considering: BAT VK-250 or VK-500, Parasound JC-1's, Ayre V-5xe or Spectron M III.

I appreciate your helpful insights in this quest.
I'd like to audition the Karan but it seems availability might be an issue. I failed to mention that I'll be buying used and reselling,unfortunately, if it doesn't fit. If one were to become available I will be very interested.

I've always intended to try bi-wiring these speakers, I'm sure it would improve the bass, but wondered if the cohesiveness would suffer...won't know till I try.

I'd very much like to audition the JC-1's if a pair within my area becomes available. The heat would be an issue but I'd still like to try them. Nothing is perfect in all respects. The Ayre V-1xe is an excellent suggestion, something I've thought about and will most definitely try when available. I look forward to hearing how it will pair with my VR-4jr's. Has anyone heard these paired together, I wonder.

Thanks to all who took the time to share their suggestions and if anyone has something else I welcome those also.


Call Darren at Avatar Acoustics, 1-888-991-9196 or 1-305-608-6079 ( He's the importer. I bought mine used from him, it's within your range.

Normally, when someone goes to the Karan gear, they stay with it. They may trade up, and will go to Darren rather than go on Audiogon because he has more connections in the Karan market.

Tube pre-amp with a SS. power amp. Best of both worlds, pre-amp tubes are relatively inexpensive. My opinion and I'm sticking to it. I have had a tube pre (custom built around the 12au7 tube) and a variety of SS power amps for decades. I won't have it any other way.
The BAT integrated isn't bad at all, in fact, I enjoy it very much. But I'm curious how the VK-500 might compare as far as bass control and overall presentation.