Hum in ARC Ref 3 not on 0 but 1-103 light buzz

I'm suddenly experiencing a strange phenomena with my ARC Ref 3 (250 hrs on the tubes). On the 0 setting of the volume "dead quiet" with 1-103 a constant sound like the sea whispering noticable on 2 meters from the speakers. Any idea where this comes from? It is from both the two speakers. Tube problem?

Thanks in advance!
We have come one step closer to the solution. The buzz looks like a mismatch between an high ohm pre-amp (like the ARC) and the impendance of the Kronzilla SXi. We found out by using a Kronzilla DM (monoblock) on the right channel and the SXi on the left channel. No buzz on the DM and an audible buzz on the SXI. Solutions are now being prepared. Will be continued!

A simple solution that I use in my system when I added the pair of Gotham subs and was thus driving 2 loads in parallel via the Ref 3---thus creating some strain on the Ref 3 was to add the Tube Buffer and its separate Power Supply from Musical fidelity. This is a very simple, effective and inexpensive fix. Musical Fidelity does not make the Tube Buffer any more but if you are interested send me an e-mail and I will tell you of a dealer who has them new and in the box.
The Tube Buffer has an input impedance of 470 KOhms and will solve your problem. If you read the recent posts in my system you will find a description as to how this can be done
Both the CD7 and ARC ref3 can introduce hum noise when the tubes in the power supply are faulty. However if you are using balanced connections with a really balanced amplifier this noise cancels and you will not notice it. A properly working ARC ref3 should be hum free in any condition - I use mine with a cj premier 350 having 35dB gain, and it is completely hum free.
Also, you can try disconnecting all input cables of your Ref3 - sometimes ground loops are introduced by the mains cables earth connections of the sources.
But most probably you are having a ground loop introduced by the earth of the mains cables - I think that Kronzilla's are unbalanced (RCA). A simple (and correct) way of solving this situation is having the earth connection in the amplifier connected through a 47 ohm resistor - but you need a technician to do it.
You are correct - in this type of situation sometimes Cardas cables are more sensitive to loops than other interconnects with low resistance return wires, and using balanced cables with XLR-RCA adapters increases it. I also went through all this one year ago!
I've got some new developments.

After performing several tests it was better to change to a Kronzilla SX with XLR input.

KR Audio was very professional and supportive in this move. I'm very happy with it. I expect the SX to arrive end April 2008. Keep you updated!

