Living voice and kondo

Living voice and kondo amplifiers produce one of the best sounds as per reviews on 6moons,can any body suggest a tube amplifier to partner Living Voice speakers,for which i do not have to spend more than $7000.
Stating Audio Note UK as good as Kondo is totally ignorance and misleading. They are not even closed. I have both in my hand so I can say it loudly.
I am using the Morrow Audio reference transformer-coupled 300B amplifiers with the Living Voice IBX-R2 speakers. The Morrow amplifiers are an excellent, all-out design, and the combination with the Living Voice speakers is heavenly. Mike's amps sell for about $6k, and the retail price would be multiples of that if he were selling through a traditional distributor/dealer network.
Shindo is an obvious choice. For alot less, I use a pair of Manley Mahi's on my IBXR2's and am more than pleased with the sound I'm getting.
Kevin Scott mates his LV with top of the range PARALLEL 300B mono's - using WE glass! That some serious cash we're talking about. But a few things I would say to keep in mind about mating the LV - straight SET 300B will struggle. You need either PP or Parallel 300B ie. about 20watts. Else, it will limit your choice of music.

I personally mate my OBX-R2 with the TEAD Linear A and it works amazingly well BUT it's not a 300B sound at all. It's more of a top end chip amp (47labs et al) sound.

As for 300Bs or SET that I like - try Art Audio for non crazy money. Their 300B PP/parallel are lovely. Kevin sells them for people who can't afford Kondo's.