Living voice and kondo

Living voice and kondo amplifiers produce one of the best sounds as per reviews on 6moons,can any body suggest a tube amplifier to partner Living Voice speakers,for which i do not have to spend more than $7000.
Shindo's sound is more laid back and organic sounding. Art Audio's sound is slightly more modern but both still on the musical end of the scale ie. less hifi/overtly impressive with soundstage etc etc.
Glory, you said, "The AN amp will work as good as a Kondo if not better."

What is AN amp, in your own room, better than Kondo, in your on room? (side by side comparison)

See my post carefully, i am not suggesting Kondo to him since it's, off course, over than 7K.

"This is not a debate on Kondo vs Audio Note UK. Get over it!"

Please see your statement again !

Just as I thought, you really don't have a Kondo amp on hand under $7000.00 that is better than the AN CSS for sale.

My wife and I spent a afternoon with Kevin Scott and had a listening session with his speakers and Kondo amps. Wonderful sounding and impressive. I have all AN gear and have heard a number of AN set ups and they also are wonderful sounding. To say it is ignorance and misleading that AN amp will sound as good or better than a Kondo amp is childish speaking. Kondo's gear IMHO is why over priced
where Peter has made some affordable amps that the average Joe can buy.
I agree with Boy_lah's assessment that the LV speakers need more juice than the typical 10wpc or so that a SET 300B amp can deliver to the extent you like to listen at lifelike decibel levels and you listen to music that demands a lot of power (e.g., rock, pop, orchestral). I use my SET 300B amps in a second system that is devoted almost exclusively to chamber music and small group jazz. In my medium-sized room, I get very satisfying, lifelike volume levels with this sort of music, but I am often using every bit of the clean power output capabilities of my 300B amps.
I am very interested by this tread. I have acquired some Living voice OBX-R2 and I am very happy with them. I've heard them with Conrad johnson and the match was pretty good. I am using a Lavardin It (solid state). Quite good but I am in the impression that Living voice speakers do prefer tube amplification.

They use to match Living voice with Border Patrol amplifier. By that time Border Patrol where located in the UK and the distribution in North america was limitated. Now Border Patrol are located in the USA. I've never heard them but they might worth a listen if you can schedule one. They also use Canary audio.
