Strain Gauge Preamp/ Phono. A new standard?

This combo from Soundsmith seems to deserve a topic of its own.I have not heard it, but what I have read of comments so far is indeed interesting. Innovating technology,visually pleasing and and supposedly a superior sound. Could these products be considered as a serious alternatives to a traditional high- end analog combo? What will be the biggest trade off?
Check out the CES coverage here on the Gon.Soundsmiths' video covers the operating theory and its' implementation.Would love to hear one!
I agree, it sounds like an interesting product. The bit about the RIAA doesn't make sense at all to me either, though.
All the Strain-gauge cartridges from the old days had the RIAA EQ built-in too.
I heard the Strain Gauge cartridge at the RMAF last October. It was one of the best sounding cartridges I have ever heard.
Here's an interesting thread from an AA user: