Strain Gauge Preamp/ Phono. A new standard?

This combo from Soundsmith seems to deserve a topic of its own.I have not heard it, but what I have read of comments so far is indeed interesting. Innovating technology,visually pleasing and and supposedly a superior sound. Could these products be considered as a serious alternatives to a traditional high- end analog combo? What will be the biggest trade off?
I heard the Strain Gauge cartridge at the RMAF last October. It was one of the best sounding cartridges I have ever heard.
Here's an interesting thread from an AA user:
The strain gage cartridge requires its own special phono stage, since "signal" is a varying resistance, not a voltage that is put out. Perhaps they build the RIAA into their pre-amp? Just a guess.
If you view the video from Mr. Lederman, he states that because this strain gauge cartridge is a displacement device and not a velocity-sensitive device, no RIAA equalization is required. Here's more info from their website:

I had strain gauge cartridges long ago, including the Win and the Panasonic. I saw them as quite good, but not reaching the realism of my Decca Londons. There are many benefits in the various grades of the Soundsmith phono/linestages, but it does take a commitment to this idea that I am not willing to make.