Thiel 3.6, what will drive them best?

I'm looking for an amp that will drive the Thiel 3.6's to their ultimate potential. Unfortunately price matters, in that I derive pleasure thinking of myself as the ultimate connoiseur of the most for the least...

In other words I'm cheap! (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, and say thanks),

After reading your posts I have an idea.

Would it be possible to get a sub $1000 amp and run it now,
and later buy an exact match and run them both bridged to mono? That way I can stick to my budget now yet down the road move up to a much more powerful setup.

How would that work? Is this possible?

Thank you all,
A buddy of mine has the M-200s what they use Plitron transformers in his pair. He also uses one of the Musical Concepts mods which really improved them. I had a DH-220 Hafler completely modified by Musical Concepts, close to $2700 for the mods (but I purchased the amp used for less) and it was a killer SS amp. Balls to the walls power, room shaking bass, very fast and very dynamic, with frequency extension at both ends plus it was very musical for SS. I prefer tube sound so I use tubes myself with speakers that do not require big watts to drive them.

Hope this helps. The Aragon and Parasound amps are also good alternatives. I am not a fan of the Bryston sound. The Carver signature series power amp is also a consideration.

Happy Listening.

What qualities made you prefer the M200's over the HCA2200?

It was multiple factors. Sonically, both are excellent, but I thought the M200s were a little more neutral and warmer. The HCA2200 runs hot, indeed generates a good deal of heat which in the summer was an issue in my room. The M200s can put out heat too, but not as much. Finally, I prefer mono blocks for placement purposes, in most situations.