Damping factor or watts?

Hi all,

Which is more important? High damping factor or high wattage? I was reading about how a high damping factor would be better in controlling the excursions of the speaker drivers but to have a amp with high wattage and damping factor would be astronomically expensive.

So in our imperfect world, which is more important? It seems like the amps with a high damping factor are mainly Class D or ICEpower amps (are they both the same?).

My speaker is a Magnepan MMG and is currently partnered to a pair of Denon POA-6600A monoblocks that are 260W/ 8 ohms. I have read some Audiogon citizens driving their Maggies with amps that have high damping factor to excellent results. Wondering if that should be the direction to go....

Your advise would be greatly appreciated!

So in our imperfect world, which is more important?

Frankly, neither.

The most important thing is how the system as a whole sounds to YOU in YOUR room.

Buying equipment based on specs can be a very expensive endeavor. You might find the perfect set of specs and save a few bucks by buying it on audiogon, but if it doesn't sound good you you then it doesn't matter how much you saved.

Take a look at the article on Wikipedia about damping factor and read some of the external links in that article. That should give you a good idea of what damping factor is all about.

If you haven't already, look through the various audio forums and see what other people are using with their maggies or post a question looking for the same information. Also include some information on the "sound" you are trying to achieve as well as your budget.

Finally, if you have (a) good local dealer(s) then talk to them. A good dealer should be able to help guide you in the right direction and most will also allow you to borrow equipment to try in your system. If your dealer provides this service and helps you out it would be wise to return the favor and buy whatever component you decide on from that dealer.... otherwise you may find that the good advice and loaner gear made unavailable to you in the future.
DF is limited by the inductor in series with the woofer to about 100. DF of an amp should be few times higher. Very high DF=4000 (Icepower) doesn't make much difference - at least at low frequencies. Low output impedance at higher frequencies helps to cut interaction between tweeter and midrange (especially with biwired speaker).

Power itself is not important - sound is. In order to get twice louder you need ten times more power.

Don't buy an amp for the specifications - buy it for the sound!!!
The claim that high wattage combined w/ high damping factor is expensive is an urban legend.