Integrated for Vienna Acoustics Haydn

I have a pair of Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand speakers for my bedroom system. I am looking to upgrade my amp. I am thinking of one of these three integrateds:

Musical Fidelity a3.5
Creek 5350se
Cambridge Audio 840A

Listening tastes- Classical, jazz, acoustic.
Any thoughts, suggestions will be appreciated.
I second the Prima Luna opinion. I heard the Haydn's on a Prologue 2 and was a great match in my opinion. I did not see the need for SS that day.
I listened to the Rogue Cronus with the Haydn's at a dealer. I am going to assume that it is not too far from the Prima Luna in terms of power and sonics. I was not too impressed. I guess I like the power/ punch of ss with the speakers. I was seriously thinking about tubes but I am not inclined to having the heat they produce as the amp is close to my bed; okay in the winter maybe but not in other seasons.
Try using a Primare I30, I've heard this amp on the Bigger brother... the Mozart Grand, sounded great!