"Best" Integrated Amp for JMLab Micro Utopia BE

Does anyone have suggestions for integrated amps that match well with the JMLab Micro Utopia BE?
Ag insider logo xs@2xmarmot1970
Be careful with any "BE" tweeter especially if your ear is sensitive to the high frequencies. I would go with tube integrated. I know a local audiophile couple who owns an expensive pair of Avalon speakers with "BE" tweeter (couldn't remember exact model) are not happy with them.
I auditioned this speaker with SS and tube amps. Loved the sound. I would go with separate tube amps or integrated:

Filarmonía Integrated
Pathos Logos
Jolida Model JD 801A
Cary 300 SEI
There is a Viva Solista integrated for sale on Audiogon right now for a good price. This is speculation since I haven't heard them together, but I'm very familiar with each of them and I would expect the combo to be amazing. As an aside, I have no interest in the sale of the Solista.
Good luck.
I actually had the same question. Currently using Micro Be but with separate pre/power but Looking for a simpler solution.

I have not started auditioning again, but I am interested on the following integrated:
- Ayre (heard great things about it)
- YBA Passion(heard it has great synergy with Micro Be)
- Pathos TT and Classic MK III
- Simaudio
- Rowland

any experience with them?