ARC Reference 3 preamp: tube character?

I am seriously considering buying an ARC Reference 3 preamp to introduce an element of "tube sound" character into a SS system. I understand this preamp is somewhat transparent which is not necessarily a bad property, but is it so transparent that it would defeat my purposes? Lexicon LX-7 amp and Legacy Whisper speakers.
FWIW, 'transparent' means, to me, a lack of anything additive to the source, i.e. grain, distortion, variations in FR such as added warmth or an increase in selected frequency gain to inhance the appearance of 'increased detail' or 'resolution' (Gee Ma, I can now hear so much that I could never hear before I got this thing. Wow. The 3 months or less later you see a post to the effect - 'I get fatigued in long term listening, how can I cure that. Maybe a new cable, source, tweak'.)

So, to answer your question - You can't have too much transparency, but you can get a FR response that is not synergistic with your other equipment or your tonal expectations.

If you want a 'warm' system and think a tube pre-amp will do it, just fess up and seek one out. ARC stuff is typically neutral and some of their units are voiced on the cool side of neutral if anything. If you expect them to warm up the tonal balance of your system it is likely you'll be disappointed. Not as opposed to SS just what is available in other tubed pre-amps.
I am seriously considering buying an ARC Reference 3 preamp to introduce an element of "tube sound" character into a SS system.
Rubyrad (Threads | Answers)
What does "tube sound" character mean to you? Describe it.
"Tube Sound" as I perceive it
To me, a "tube sound" has the following characteristics (with some exaggeration for descriptive purposes):
1. Strong soundstaging; soundstage seems more forward and instuments closer
2. Music is rendered with a warm musicality; enrichment of musical note's textures and colors
3. Excellent instrumental timbre
4. Nonfatiguing treble
5. Beautiful midrange but soft/weak/thick bass
6. More easy = less edgy
7. Rich lingering harmonics perhaps at the expense of resolution.
I would like (probably unrealistically)to introduce the positives with as little of the negatives as possible. Would the ARC Ref 3 be a good choice? If not, thanks for any other recommendations.
Based on your definition, I doubt the ARC Ref 3 will be what you seek. You described coloration. The Ref 3 design goal is transparency/ coloration.
Tvad has read my mind. To get what you are looking for I'd suggest your considering some older, perhaps even vintage, pre-amps even if you have to have them reconditioned. Early ARC like my SP10II might do, or MFA's or CAT's which were close to SOTA in the late 80's thru the early 90's. Some good CJ's too.

If that isn't your cup of tea then consider matching a currently high end tubed pre such as those from Lamm and focus on getting all of the rest of the sound qualities that you want from a tube amp. At least that is I would do. A great neutral pre-amp is ageless - even my old SP10 sounds dammed fine but it has been bettered in transparency in its line stage which improves soundstage depth.