Is there a very nice SS amp around 1K?


I'm looking for thoughts on solid state amps around $1000 which have XLR & SE inputs... around 100 wpc or so.. and a balanced presentation.... and not real old.

Is there such a thing?

Usage is likely 50/50 music/HT... and as a back up amp for main system. So long as it doesn't have tendencies which stick out like a sore thumb, and is something one can listen to for extended periods... that'll probably do just fine.

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ooops. Sorry. My bad. I forgot about the balanced topics of implied or real

I see xlr's and think automatically, "Oh, it's balanced completely", and think nothing further. I understand there really is a design difference in truth. However I recall finding out from sources other than the makers some gear is not truly balanced after all....

Further, I also think it isn't proper tactics to provide such imputs & outputs and not disclaim true design topology as quickly as they'll point out the connections.

Be that as it may, Yep... I was thinking about the above path for using the BC DAC 3 as I had said... Running Fully balanced outright, as part of the equation. Not the end all be all, just a part. Upon further review it's the sound which is most important to me. Well, that and price just now.

Ever which way them electrons are directed inside is merely a philosophical debate and one I'd as soonn eschew now.

My propensity for the BAT amp comes solely from first hand knowledge and is therefore reassuring.... for me knowing is better than not knowing. Always.

Add to this the importance of system mating/matching (about the same, ain't they?), and it's not hard to see why I'd bring up BAT.

Balanced or no, is no deal breaker. The end result or the music as it were, is the real deal for me.

During this post my decision was or has been made for me!

I'll be buying a new... "Odyssey Stratos stereo amp" with current technology.. with several internal upgrades.

Well ... that's a new record for me in seeking out a new 'whatsit' via input through the threads here.

it may be premature, but thanks so very much folks.

Everything seems to have met my criteria... (nearly) USA made (Whenever possible), great customer service, a great implied warranty, a respected designer, well thought of product, and a good value.

Now we wait... uh sorry, I wait.

5 weeks +/- build time, another week for delivery... and then six more till it opens up. Gee. that is a long time.

I suppose I need to be less spontaneous!
Klaus is a phenomenal salesman. Very passionate about his products. I remember speaking with him...well listening to him is more accurate...for about half an hour, and then placing an immediate order for a pair of Odyssey Extreme monos after he offered a double-super-secret-eye-wink price. Several days later, a used pair came up on Audiogon and I canceled my order with Klaus. I couldn't reconcile paying the significant price differential for the same amps. I had a tinge of guilt for about a day or so.

The amps were pretty good overall. An excellent bang-for-the-buck, as they say. I sold them two months later, and ended up buying a significantly more expensive (and better) amp. That was two pairs of speakers ago.

Wheel keeps turnin'...


The "salesmanship" came via the remarks of a good many owners of Odyssey produtcs, here on these pages and elsewhere. Also from needs, funding, etc.

As far as canceling an order... well, to each their own I guess. Given the application for this item, I feel the deal erstwhile. I'll not retract. I gave my word. Only some immense unforseen poor circumstance could possibly make me withdraw, once I agree to a thing... or of course, some default by the other interested party.

I spare myself remorse and duress by not continuing to shop for a thing when I've already made a committment to buy one. I'm too ensconsed in my 'old school' ways to change my behavior now. My tongue in cheek remark about spontaneity was my own inside joke. I don't spend compulsively, or impulsively. I simply can't afford to. Nor can I, afford to make capricious purchasing decisions.

...and let's face it Tvad, I think I'm easier to please than some... ''cause in part, of my demeanor, and due diligence. truth be told, comparing 'new' to 'preowned' isn't right anyhow, is it?

For a couple hundred, more or less, I'll always go with new and for more reasons than mere dollars... if I'm able to of course.

If the performance level of this thing is on par with it's price tag I can move up to the monos with a 100% trade in/up value.

For a now and then (not main) instance, and HT use primarily, it'll fit well I believe... if not, I doubt I'll lose much.

Thanks for the afterthoughts though.
03-13-08: Blindjim

truth be told, comparing 'new' to 'preowned' isn't right anyhow, is it?

Why not?

Depending on the length of ownership and condition of the component, I see no reason not to compare new to preowned.