Levinson 383 integrated vs Moon i-7 integrated

I'm looking at buying a good integrated.
I've heard the Moon i-7 and the BAT VK300x.
A friend of mine said to look at a used Levinson 383 integrated.
My speakers are Verity "Fidelios", Harmonic Tech's "Magic One" XLR interconnects.
Any feedback will help.
have heard the Concentra (not the Concerto) and while it has beautiful tone, unmatched in my experience in SS integrateds, was a little thick in the upper bass and not especially extended or open up top.
I know that Jeff Rowland integrated's are designed differently than most. Rowland is able to get more power out without the units weighing tons. I have a customer that manufactures 200w amps for announcement systems...their units weigh very little.
I do know that I've always read great reviews on the Rowland gear. I'd like to take a listen first before I make a choice. Sally
Krell 400xi is the bargain of the century plus a world class integrated. Soon to be discontinued, I would suck one up now!!