Ayre KX-R pre?

I am beginning to see ads for this new pre from Ayre. Does anyone actually own one or has anyone been to audition one? If so, what are your thoughts? It sure does look sweet!
I should have one to demo in the next couple of weeks; I'll post when I finish the evaluation.
Thanks for calling me on this. No suspense, I bought the KX-R. Decay, transparency, bass control, soundstaging, etc.; there isn't a single aspect of the performance of my system that isn't improved by the KX-R so it was a rare "no-brainer" upgrade. It really is that rare product that isn't "SS" or "tube"; it's just effortless with exceptional clarity and sparkle but without giving up detail.

On a final note, a belated apology to the crew at Ayre, the KX-R does in fact look gorgeous.
Great. May I ask what you are upgrading from ? I have a K1xe and MXRs... Thanks
My earlier preamp was a Levinson 326S but when I picked up the KX-R I was running direct with no preamp (although I still had the 326S on hand to compare with the KX-R).