VAC Standard limited edition preamp


What are your comments on this unit. How does it compare to similarly priced units : CJ Premier 17, Calypso, Vtl 5.5...?
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That's why they make so many different flavors. Yes, the Calypso is more extended and open, which is why I like it, but my speakers are warm and rich, which probably explains my preference for the Calypso.
The CJ should be the warmest of them all, and my least preffered. The VAC sounds like it will suit your tastes perfectly. It isn't quite as extended and airy as the Calypso, but is more so than the CJ. VAC definitely makes some fabulous gear, and me thinks it's very slightly closer to the CJ than the Calypso. I would definitely jump on the VAC piece if you find the Calypso too lean.

anyone care to chime in on their experiences with VAC gear, particularly the Standard pre, over the long term? Any physical reliability or sonic degradation issues? I'm thinking about buying a 9+ year old Standard pre. thanks
I bought my VAC Standard LE with MM Phono Option a few years ago on Agon. It's one of the best preamps values in any price range up to around $7500. Kevin Hayes is a great guy to work with! It has a nice bloom, very open and laid back, not fatiguing! I'm using it my Apogee Mini Grands and ML 23 & ML 9 Amps.

I've heard the Aesthetix Calypso Signature (Line Stage Only) retails for around $7200 and also thought it was lean and dark! not a great value for the money, however it does have a nice build quality!
I had a VAC Standard LE about 5 years ago and it was my introduction to VAC. I now have a VAC Phi 2.0 preamp and 2 VAC Phi 300.1 amplifiers. You can guess my opinion of VAC gear pretty easily at this point.

If you have any concerns about reliability or other issues, I would call up Kevin H. at VAC, explain your concerns and see what he says. My guess is that he'll say to listen first and call him if any problems. Their gear is bulletproof.