Ayre K1xe vs. Simaudio P7, P8

Has anyone had a chance to compare the Ayre and one of the evolution Sims? I realize that the P7 and P8 are more loaded with gadgetry and cost quite a bit more, but my question regards only sound quality and presentation. Any reliability/ quality control issues? I appreciate any experience you care to relate...
Good input guys. Looks roughly like four in favor of Sim with Proth going for the Ayre and Tboooe more or less neutral. So if the K1xe is a bargain at $4500, then possibly the P5 or P5LE might be even more so at $2500 to $3000, older Renaissance circuitry notwithstanding. (Technically, this amounts to a departure from the thread topic, but I personally find it most helpful.)

Anyhow, good thoughts. It seems that no matter what question one has, a few people on A'gone have had direct experience with what you're talking about. ...and as importantly are willing to share. Great forum, site, and a pretty great group, we are. Thanks for the ideas, guys.
Not sure of how you are counting the votes. I think all but one of the posters favoring Sim had not even heard the Ayre. I did not get to audition the Sim when I recently purchased my new amp and preamp. I wanted to and contacted Sim and they told me their nearest dealer was about 300 miles from me and I would have to go through him to hear the Sim. So I crossed Sim off the list. I did listen to numerous amps and preamps (including among others CJ, Boulder, AirTight, MacIntosh, BAT) and, to my ears at least, The Ayre 1 series was hands down the best. Others may differ in their evaluations and preferences, but to me the Ayre sound is the most musical. I was just telling my wife this morning that even after 6 weeks or so with the Ayre--I absolutely love the sound and have zero complaints.
I do not remmeber the exact McIntosh models. One was the newer integrated that I think cost around $7,000 if I remember correctly. The other was a McIntosh amp and preamp. The amp was a remake of an old McIntosh and the new version had garnered praise in a couple of audio mags. The preamp was a McIntosh but for the life of me I cannot recall the model number.
Bluesnzzz: The thread helped me discern my bias for Simaudio, a type of bias often merely "reinforced" by firsthand audition.

Admittedly, I'm quite sure that I'd be very happy with a K1, and I'm glad that you are with yours.

(But can we really conclude that none of these other fellows has heard the K1? ;)