Jadis amplifiers: rolled off treble?

Hi folks (and Jadis aficionados out there), tell me the truth please: do Jadis amplifiers have rolled off treble? Each time I'm listening to one I have this impression. The sound might be glorious (like all Jadis) but... doesn't it sound darker than in real life? Because of this presumed rolled off treble some CD's sound better and overall music sound more pleasant, more like... Jadis.

oops ! i made an error in my last post. i meant to say that in the concert hall, there may be a roll off beginning at 2000 hz, rather than 200 hz. the distance from the listener to the stage and the presence of hundreds or perhaps more than one thousand bodies in front of a an audience member can account for a reduction in energy in the treble region.
Trelya, I own Soundlabs but I don't own Jadis amplifier. The Jadis JA 200 is one of the two Jadis amplifiers I have auditioned, the other is the Jadis DA 88 Signature. I'm contemplating to mate a Jadis amp with the Soundlabs but I haven't made a decision yet. What I would like to have is an amp that is more forward sounding with tube like midrange (bloom), smooth and silky (and perhaps also a touch rolled off) treble and excellent resolution of detail. I myself prefer solid state design.

I have heard lots of Jadis gear and never felt like the top end was rolled off. Natural, yes; rolled off, no.

Like any tube amps - and especially so for those without feedback - the speaker/amp interaction is everything. Choose the wrong speaker and you will never know what the amp can do.

I have the 88S and tried it with Avalon speakers and quads. I used a spectral analyser and the frequency resposne is similar to other SS amps I ahve used.
hi chris:

if you reduce treble energy, you will lose resolution. it is necessary to decide which is more important, a pleasant, euphonic sound, or resolution.

regarding jadis products, i have heard the defy 7 mk 1 and the ja 80. i enjoy listening to them because, they can be very forgiving of less than ideal recordings.