an amp without "electronic" sound

Could you give some recommendations for a power amplifier without the usual electronic/mechanical sound? It is easy to say: "tubes", but in my opinion tubes are not always the way to go. I myself prefer solid state (because of several reasons).

If you dont have grain free amp to begin with ,,,room and treatments dont make any difference,why fix something already broken?
For me it was also the Bel Canto Evo 200.2's (running monoblock to power my ML SL3's, but I think similar can definitely be said of the BAT VK amps.
Chris, you have been busy lately.
No Electronics could sound without a tinge of electronics. Only difference would be to find one with least autonomous electronics. I have not come across any yet. My Jadis Orchestra Ref does surprisingly well but it can't play loud due to power limitation. I am hoping that the Zanden 9600 mono I will audition soon will achieve that.
How about Fm acoustics and Lamms? You have claimed FM acoustics to be the one of the best. Did you try thoes?
Good implementation of SET amplification can sound astoundingly natural and present, as can OTL (the latter having less 'limitations' as SET with perhaps a 'cooler' presentation for lack of a better descriptor - perhaps it is they are more neutral). The SS amps that I've owned that come the closest to having the qualities you describe have been Bel Canto Ref 1000's. Ultimately I prefer tubes, but the Bel Cantos were very engaging to me.