Best multichannel amp for music?

I got a Theta Dreadnaught-2 which doesn't fully satisfy me. It has notably better mids and highs than the older Bryston I replaced (nrb series), and I like the character of the sound a lot better, but the bass is kinda weak and boomy in comparison and it doesn't localise as well as the Bryston. Are there any multi-channel amps that would have the strengths of both? I'd like to stay around 2500 used. Theta front end, Snell C/V speakers. Thanks. -Dave
Very frustrating, it may take awhile to find the right combination, but try different interconnects.
If you still using the Snell C/V - this speaker has "underdamped" woofers (usual bass hump). The damping factor of the amp will play a considerable effect with this design. There is nothing wrong with your Dreadnaught but it is a low feedback design and may have higher output impedance and therefore lower electrical damping than your old Bryston. On a different type speaker design this difference would probably be negligible but as it is you are probably hearing slightly "less woofer control" on a speaker that already accentuates bass.

Since you don't like the precision/imaging of your previous amp (Bryston) then you might consider changing speakers and keep your warmer sounging dreadnaught. Choose a speaker with a critically damped design and you may be very happy. Choose something you like the sound of and avoid Snells, Watt Puppies and Proacs or any other designs with the characteristic "bass hump" of an underdamped design.
I do not have the technical knowledge to understand what you are saying. I certainly did like the imaging of the Bryston. That, along with the bass, was better in this set up than the Dreadnaught, though the Dreadnaught has other advantages. I guess I was looking for an amp that could give me the imaging and bass along with the nice warm sound of the Theta. Do I understand you correctly that what I've got is a bad amp/speaker match? I have 5 Snell speakers in this set up, and am not real excited about the prospect of auditioning a whole bunch of speakers. This may be obvious to someone who knows about damping and impedance (which I don't), but is there no amp that can do what I want with these speakers? -Dave
Sounds like you're asking for a multichannel amp with killer bass, and without the cold sound of many traditional high-power amps.

I have used the Nuforce MCH-2C7, also available in 3, and 5 channels (which I can switch down to stereo, using the remote, for my serious 2 channel listening).

I find the NuForce MCH to have the qualities you are asking for: tight, deep well controlled bass, with warm tonality... and you can add world-class dimensionality.

The NuForce multichannels have an impressively beefy chassis, but offer the same modules and sound quality as their much awarded mono amps.

I don't see any used here, today, but since their products are close to your price range new, and you can try them for 30 days free, I suggest contacting them directly.

I don't think you will be disappointed.