Joule 150A MKII versus Atma-sphere Preamps

Currently have a Joule 150A MKII that works fantastically well with my CAT JL2 and Music Reference RM9 Special Edition; bot are single-ended RCA only. I will be getting a Atma-sphere OTL amp in a little while which I'm told is generally best with balanced connection. My question is both general to the Joule versus the Atma MP1/3s and also regarding the need for running balanced with the Atma-amp versus using very high quality RCA ICs.

04-26-08: Pryso
So balanced may measure lower noise, even in a home system, but is it audible?
When I have experimented with gear that offered both balanced and single ended operation, I can say without hesitation that the balanced option was always audibly quieter.
I thought the goal of "balanced" cables was to keep the shield separate from the "-" wire. In many RCA's the shield is connected to the "-" so that the noise collected by the shield may become a part of the amplified signal. Doesn't a "balanced" cable drain the noise collected by the drain wire and connect it directly to chassis earth ground, bypassing the "-" wire, hence never giving it the opportunity to pollute the amplifed signal. Am I misunderstanding this?
My other issue beside design approach is whether or not the MP-3 is as inherently good a preamp as the Joule 150A MKII. I love the Joule after having experimented with CAT,Lamm, and Placette Active. So quiet or not, I just don't know if the MP-3 is as a good a preamp, but again, I guess I just won't know till I get one in my system.
The MP-3 will be different. I'll put money on it. It'll be more neutral and less romantic than the Joule.

Now, you may consider this as not being better than the Joule, and others would argue that the neutrality makes the MP-3 better. Who's to say what's better? It's a matter of preference.

Let me know if I'm right after you hear it.
I've been a long time user of MP3/AS30. Prior to the MP3 I had a AI M3(single ended) as my preamp running to the AS30.
The combo worked fine with no issues. The MP3 was a sgnificant stepup but I suspect that's because the MP3 is a better preamp and not because it's balanced. If you like the Joule there shouldn't be any issues running it single ended with the AS amp.