digital Amp. Going green

Any thing out there between $3000 to $5000 in the digital amp arena that has altered your desire for using tube base amplification?

I cannot recommend these highly enough -- they are stunning performers:

I own the Red Wine Audio 30.2 and love it. It will change your opinion of what a digital amp is. It outclasses them all, except if you need more power, but that will sacrifice the sound. It sounds more seductive and tube-like and many tube amps I"ve owned but with bass definition and dynamics of a top notch SS amp.
The RWA amps run on high current sla battery power. I heard the 70.2s and when I get the funds, they will be my next purchase along with the Isabella preamp that RWA is releasing soon. If you cant tell, I'm a very happy camper with RWA.

As for going green, maybe they can be charged via a solar panel? Vinnie Rossi at RWA might be able to make it happen.

Good luck,
Jeff, you hit the nail on the head. The 30.2 really is in its own class. Like fine wine, it got even better with time. After going through so much equipment it is nice to find a keeper! and no more heat from tubes this summer.

IMO if you are spending more than $100 per month to heat your home mid-winter (Where it snows) you have options to go green. If your electric bill is more than $20 you have options to go green. If you are getting less than 40 miles per gallon or are burning fossil fuels in your car you have options to go green. All these will cost $$ but the payback periods are looking more attractive daily.

An amplifier IMO is the least of our problems. If you want to decrease your carbon footprint you have to look at your entire picture. Your amp is probably .05%.

For digital amps I would go with T+A if I could lay out the lute.

Good luck.