choice of ref pre amps

Trying to decide between cj art, lamm L2, vtl 7.5 and other high end tube pre amps. System consists of Genesis 201 speaker, Remiyo one box cd, and the Rowland 5 power amp which is going to be replaced with a ss amp. Currently considering the Krell evo 302, would take suggestions.

First Overture would be my first choice in the hi-end ($$$) arena, followed by Parasound JC 2 ($4K)

In the "affordable" PS Audio GCP 200/GCPS ($3K)
The new CAT Legend with black gate caps and teflon circuit boards is the best preamp choice on the market right now. I have never heard anything better in my life and I have heard them all, including 30K Jadis JP200 and Kondo preamps.
