Spectron Musician III SE Mk.2? What Changed?

I see at the Spectron site that they have released a Mark 2 edition of the Musician III SE. But there isn't any discussion of what has actually changed in the amp besides the price, which is now $7195 up from $6495. If anyone knows what the new changes are, I would really love to know.

Kabir, I feel that "tire kickers" should drop out. Your comment "Simons' response on 05/16/08 just convinced me not to go Spectron." smells with you know what! Its very clear you never ever heard Musician III nor ever in tented to "go Spectron"

If we will start to over analyze every word that every manufacturer ever stated on this forum then nobody will participate. Similarly, many manufacturers dropped out from AA, most notably for me - people from R&D labs of Philips and Sony.

Interesting question was posted: "What kind of amplifier you are looking for" Kabir?

One correction also: Simon is NOT audiophile, he is professional musician AND, as he says, music lover.

All The Best
Rafael (biased owner of Spectron amplifier)
Here's the reason why, I think, this thread turned to SNAFU.
1) If there is a question about a particular product updates, upgrades, new models, etc., it is always best to call the company and speak with them about it over the phone. Posting such quaestions on audiogon may result in incorrect information.
2) manufacturers reply to posts like this should at maximum be "please call us and we will gladly discuss the MkII or MkIII version"
3) it would be helpful if the website had listed the difference in the upgraded version.

And Dob, tire kickers?
even if someone doesn't want a new amplifier right this minute, that doesn't mean that a discussion about a particular amp is not usefull to them.
This one is very usefull. I've heard a lot of positive things about Spectron amps. And if I had an itch to try a new amplifier, I would probably consider Spectron as one of the options.

There are plenty of dealers, company reps and even manufacturers who are rude(I can even name a few) and full of themselves. There are also plenty of people who would keep buying from them despite all the rudeness.
I personally do not belong to this category and don't blame anyone else who would dismiss a particular product just based on how other customers are treated by this particular company/rep. People who are interested in spending this kind of money on their electronics should be treated with respect by a given company's customer rep.

There are plenty of amplifiers in the price range of the Spectron and giving the current situation some people would think twice before pulling a trigger on a $7500 amp.

So Dob, enjoy your spectron amplifier. I know I'm not going to own one and it is simply based on how this thread has evolved and really, because of this, I don't even care how good this amplifier sounds.
I must hand it to Spectron. The response to the original question wins the prize for (1) most original, (2) Most off-hand, (3) Most glib, (4) Most non-informative, (5) Most funny, (6) Most damning of sensibilities and IQ of any potential buyer and (7) most confident response of any manufacturer I have ever read in many years on Audiogon, since he must feel that his product and service is good enough, and will show itself to be so, so that he can afford to offend any potential buyer out there, (8) Most balls on Audiogon. As a potential buyer of this amplifier, I will now need to see a shrink to advise me what to do:)
Wow - let's not get too bent out of shape here. Clearly Simon's response was flippant - that's OK too sometimes on a board such as this!!

For those watching from the sidelines 2 basic perspectives after having recently bought my first amp from Spectron:

1) amazing product - can't imagine anything sounding better no matter how big your wallet

2) superb customer service, communications and willingness to discuss over the phone in person.

I have been at this hobby at the high end for many years in various parts of the world and Spectron are your classic boutique firm with the personal touch - just hope they can remain competitive in the long run; product performance and value will not be the issue. If I could buy the company I would .........



Based on your comments I pretty much doubt you were considering a Spectron amp in the first place. Nobody who's considering purchasing a high quality piece of audio gear would make a decision in the time it takes to read a sentence. It takes serious thought and analysis to find out if a particular amp will be good for your system.

Spectron is one of the few audio companies I've been completely happy to deal with. I've called or emailed other companies with issues and I most of the time find their help and advice very superficial and brief. I am very proud to have such great amps, and even prouder of their excellent performance. Spectron is the only company I know that gives warranties issues a priority over production.

Some of the comments in this thread are really uncalled for. I'm sure there is a very good reason why more information about the SE MK II hasn't been posted yet. It takes time to translate the inner workings of electrical engineering into a language that most people can understand, to name one possible reason. Maybe the web-master still working on it, to name another reason. I really don't know. But what I know is that I've really enjoyed dealing with Spectron, and Simon has been extremely helpful in helping me with the rest of my system. I'm not saying that other companies are not helpful, but that Spectron seems to try harder than other companies at making sure that their amps work the best in your system.

Best Regards,
