6SN7 based Pre-Amplifier

I enjoy my 6SN7 based Counterpoint SA-11 pre-amplifier for years. Now I am looking a 6SN7 based pre-amplifer at more manageable size for my second system. The other equipments are

1. Source - Resolution CD-55
2. Power Amplifier - Counterpoint NP-100
3. Speaker - Opera Mezza
4. Interconnect cable - Silver Audio Appasionata
5 Speaker cable - Silver Audio Symphony 48
4. Music - 75% classical 15% new age 10% jazz
5. Room Size - 12 x 15 x 9


1. AES AE-3
2. Consonance Cyber 222
3. Ming DA MC-2A3
4. Cary SLP-98

For the owners of these gears, could you share your experiences? Espeically, the Ming Da and Consonance pre-amplifers.

Of course, I am open for other suggestions.

Happy Listening.

I had the opportunity to listen to a Canary CA906 (2 6sn7s per channel with extensive tube rectification and regulation) in my system with both the VAC Phis and NP220s.
This is probably the best production preamp I have every heard.
Details later.
I wrote a mini-review on the CA906 and submitted it to www.high-endaudio.com.

Just bit the bullet on a Ming Da MC-2A3.
Not nearly the same class as the CA906 in terms of build
(I have NEVER seen layout and soldering as good as Canary products),
quality of components used, and most importantly sound but
there's a big difference in price.

Ming Da MC-2A3's hopeful for mods given the space available inside and rather easily understandable layout. Weird power supply though,
gives all the attention to the B+ not zero regard for filament voltage.

Also not all MC-2A3s are the same... some boasts M-Caps and other
premium components. Mine has MKPs and what looks like Vintage Gudeman. Also the 'Philips' caps look suspicious.

If I had ample $$ I'd go for the Canary 906, but the Ming-da is gonna be quite a bit of fun I suppose.