RWA amp with DODD preamp both battery powered

I should get Dodd Audio battery preamp next week (from good people of Underwood) and I also have purchased RWA (Red Wine Audio) Sig.30 (Omega version) from another audiophile here on AgoN.

I thought of using RWA in my second system with some monitor (still big question mark on which- I like M&D but might go with Omegas instead). However since I am going to have them both , I thought about pairing these battery powered pieces and see what happens. I am not sure if RWA 30wpc will have enough juice to drive my Quatros but I will give it a shoot ......if only out of curiosity.

Do you guys have any thoughts or opinions about these two working together or maybe someone actually tried this combo in his/her system????

I am all ears.

What specific Mullard 6922/7397 tube are you recommending for the Dodd?

I'm considering the Dodd and your comments on the Modwright are of interest to me. I've owned several of Dan's CD players and in the Fall had him do a "signature upgrade" to a 999es. I know how significant the sound improved by adding the tube power supply and then adding the MWI caps.

Which version of the MWI 9.0 preamp was used in the recent comparison
- solid state power supply
- tube power supply
- signature model wiht tube power supply and MWI caps

my system:
Red Wine 30.2 integrated
Zu Druids with 2008 speaker upgrade kit
MWI 9100es Ulimate Truth
APL Denon 3910 with 2008 upgrades

thanks Ken
Hi Ken,

Dan has some fine well regarded products under his belt. One of my favorites is modified Sony 9100 ES universal CD/DVD/SACD player which sound great. It would be great addition to my rig and add state of the art multichannel playback capibility which my system is missing.

Modwright SWL 9.0 SE stock tube linestage was the unite that was the part of the shot-out. I imagine that 36.5 would do substantially better and I am not for one underestimate its qualities and overall performance superiority over older 9.0 design. I have had the pleasure of hearing 36.5 during 2008 CES in Vegas. I can not comment or discuss its potentials due to the usually poor sounding rooms that are major problems in most cases while trying to audition new gear at the shows. The only way to get any meaningful and true idea of its virtues and sound is to insert it to your system and listen.
Its signature "house" sound characteristics were it a good thing ?....I do not know. Maybe for some and not for others I guess. At the end it looks seems like a solid performer and it might be worth a closer look.

As to the Mullard tube of choice. It is:

CV 2493
(I have some pics of that tube in My Gallery on Audio Circle - user name "Mariusz" )

This tube is just wonderful in Dodd preamp. I must add that I never was a big fan of Mullard's smaller tubes and the only other tube from Britain that I considered to use in my system was Mullard's famous EL34s for my mono-amps.

Its middle-range is second to non and its ability resolve and rendition of music material is relaxed and very emotional experience. 7308 Amperex NOS made in W. Germany was plain and boring in comparison. It took about a minute for the fellow audiophiles to rule the Mullards as the champ. I also used some NOS orange label 6922 Amperex made in Holland. These performed better and are just behind Mullards.

I hope it helps somewhat and answers your questions.


Coming soon - Exclusive comparison between DODD & RWA ISABELLA with build in Isabellina DAC.

It is still few weeks away though.
By the end of this month I will audition new Isabella preamp - Vinnie Rossi of Red Wine Audio new creation.
Vinnie was kind enough to accept my invitation for un-official first look of his new battery powered preamp -
his really, Isabella is the name of his gorgeous little daughter and preamp was named after her.

Along Isabella preamp Vinnie will bring his Sig.30.2 amp (also battery powered) and something else.......something unexpected but worth taking a closer look - new RWA interconnects and speaker cables that Vinnie worked on for the past year. It is not out yet and I am sure he will announce the introduction soon on his website.
According to Vinnie Rossi these cables were design to complament his other components and I am sure will be a perfect match for those using his gear.....but not only.

I might also have John Rutan (one of the biggest Vandersteen speakers dealers) to fine tune Quatros for that event. I am not sure if John would be interested to come on the day of the audition........ it sure would be fun. Well Quartos should be optimized by then to have the system at its peak.

Among other interesting ideas we will have a iMac powerbook hooked up to Isabella's DAC and if possible (it depends if John of audioconnection will have one available - I think I am like 36th or something like that on his wating list) Wadia

Check this thread in few weeks for the first impressions of Isabella battery preamp as well as how Dodd stuck up to his bigger brother.

Cheers and enjoy the music

Is the battery operated usage of the Dodd convenient or
does it present any problems in everyday use? Does it take any special attention or monitoring? Is it always available?
Easy as ABC.
It is plugged into AC outlet all the time (recommended by Gary). When switched OFF , it is in charge mode. When it is ON , power is cut off and it's in battery mode. No chance of over-charging and runs on batteries for a loooong time. Actualy , I haven't run out of juice in one session yet.
So far so good.
