sweet, euphonic, reasonably powerful tube amp?

I'm thinking about moving away from my ARC VT100 mkiii to something more euphonic, forgiving, and sweet-sounding...tubey, really. (The VT100 goes somewhat in that direction when using the 4-ohm tap, but it's still somewhat "dry". On the 8-ohm tap, it's way too bright for me.) I have a VTL ST150 that's sort of in that direction when in triode mode, but it's just a bit bright for my tastes, as well. I want soft, easy highs. I'm using Harbeth speakers--I have both the Compact 7's and the M30's. They are somewhat inefficient, and require some power, probably no less than 70 watts or thereabouts, give or take. I listen mostly to classical music, in a relatively small room (14x19), and usually at low volume, but sometimes I like to step it up and play some rock or push the volume with some orchestral stuff. Other requirements: vanishingly low distortion, reliability, and ease of repair.

(Basically what's happening is that I've done the hyper-revealing, detail thing, and now I want to get down to just listening to the music, so that it's less about slam, holographic imaging, and cymbals in the room with me, and more about just listening to the music--not that I don't like a certain amount of those things!)

My budget, on the used market, could be anywhere between $3000 - 5000. On the pre-amp side, I have a GNSC-modified ARC SP8, a BAT VK31 w/ bugle boys, and I just bought a second hand Mac 2200, which I'm trying out because I want--Yes, believe it or not--a tone control!

(I really am whimping out, I guess!)

Give BAT 75SE a try. It's not tubey, euphonic, nor romantic, but it does sound more musical and purer than ARC VT-100 III which I owned for a very brief period and quickly sold after comparing to my BAT 75SE. Could be a good match to your BAT 31
Drastic - Thanks for your comments about the room, but as I tried to indicate previously, further work on room acoustics is not possible, for domestic reasons. Further, as noted, I've already treated the windows, the floors are covered with rugs, there is a fair bit of sound-absorbing furniture in the room, and oil paintins on the walls. The room is not ideal, but equipment I've heard in showrooms does not sound substantially different than in the room. I think the real issue is this: My ideal for hi-fi sound I'd like to listen to is mid-hall Carnegie Hall, and most equipment does not lean in that direction (and the same is often enough true for recordings). And, indeed, you're quite right, I AM trying to use not only the amp, but every piece of equipment I own, as a tone control, in the broadest sense (encompassing timbre, top end, bottom end, etc.). From time to time, I see comments that suggest that there is something wrong with that, and I just don't get it. It's as if there is one only one absolutely correct and ideal system sound, and if my system deviates from that, then I'm doing something wrong. I don't buy into that for a variety of reasons, but that's another thread.

Semi - Thanks very much for letting me know about the BAT vs. the ARC. I'm glad to hear of someone who's heard both. I've wondered if I might like the BAT 75 non-SE better than the BAT 75SE? I understand the SE extends the treble, etc., and am fearful that I may find that less to my liking.

Lissnr - Thank you for your comments about VTL - but I'm puzzled. As noted, I'm now listening to the VTL ST150 (which I think is 6550's) in triode mode. It's really very good in triode mode, I must agree. However, if I'm finding that to nevertheless seem a bit on the bright side, wouldn't I likely feel the same way about VTL's EL34-based gear? That assumes there is a "house" sound for VTL, but maybe the EL34-based gear sounds a bit different?

I'm in the process of looking into older CJ's, by the way. It's been on my list as a possibility for a year or so--now might be the time.

Many thanks to all, and I'm looking forward to any further suggestions.
i was told by a tube seller that the el34 tube is not kind to the ear. i realize that it depends upon the circuit, but my experience listening to many amps using that tube is not very positive. i prefer the sound of an el84 tube. unfortunately many are required to achieve more than 100 watts/channel.

i am considering a beard amp. it is up for sale on audiogon, 70 watts using 24 el84s, ouch !.

the other amp which has been suggested , the mv125 is also on my list.
You might also look for amps that are built with oil/paper caps in the signal path. Those lend the sound that you are searching for as well.
For fear of making even more generalities here we all have our deserved experience based opinions but lets dabble a bit more with [hopefully] more of these and not our pre-conceived notions. As stated above, circuit design can significantly extract uncharacteristic impressions from tube types you'd never suspect (both positively and negatively), so I find it prudent to reiterate the minimal use of the terms "good or bad" when it comes to the general description of a certain tube-type's sound. With that said, personally I haven't found an EL-34 based tube amp that I didn't find appealing in its overall musical delivery They are generally characterized by a "lusher" sounding midrange and as such will typically deliver some extraordinary vocals and many stringed instruments also sound particularly warm and inviting. It's frequency extremes are sometimes less impressive because the top end MAY come across as a bit rolled off and the bottom may not be as extended as others. This is only IMHO, as there are many others who are far more experienced in specific tube rolling and swapping brands of NOS, etc, who can fill you in better than I. As for the VTL house sound, I believe it is considered a good natural and lifelike midrange, powerful, punchy lows, and "pleasant" but not necessarily extended highs.... and this has been my personal experiences with them. The 6550 based amps will probably be a little more extended at both extremes and a bit less lush sounding in the mids.. I've grown accustomed to this sound (especially with the EL-34 based amp) and as I said before, am "re-adjusting" to the CJ sound (using the 6550's). Triode mode will differ from a 6550 (brighter) to an EL-34 (more romantic) also, and this is what I was basing my first response to your inquiry on. There are plenty of other ways to "persuade" your end result sound such as speaker cables and I/C's as well as powercords.... each area is another can of worms to sift through... and that would be another thread too. Good luck.