Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3

Half price off course ($5000 VS $10000) , but suppose cost is not an issue: what you think are the sonic differences between the two pre-amps ?

Congratulations on your purchase.

Re: the Power Cords & physics

I had a highly esteemed material science professor who was a big advocate of the use of interconnects & power cords. His specialty was electronics and cable use in aviation. The physics must be there, but at a level we might not understand.
Duonri, That is great. I would definately be looking for your review and feedback. As I have previously mentioned, it is probably only the Ref. 3 that I would prefer over my Calypso, though I did consider several at the time of purchase. I just couldn't afford the Ref. 3. I look forward to your comments and hope/request that when you write the review you may be so kind as to indicate when and where the Ref. 3 is, that you can try to reference by "how much". My guess is that in a couple of years when the Ref. 3 price comes down and I am ready for a move that I may be able to get one then. The AR stuff lasts for years. My last AR preamp I had for about 12 years. Funny thing is in the past 18 months I haven't owned a single piece of equipment for that long. Of course I no longer live in Guam in the South Pacific!
Sonic differences between ARC Reference 3 and Aesthetix Calypso.

System components:
VPI Super Scout Master signature
ClearAudio Concerto
ARC Reference 3 (replacing Aesthetix Calypso)
Antique Sound Lab Hurricane
Wilson WATT/PUPPY 6.0
Nordost reference speaker cable and interconnects.

I like both preamps. The sound is very good regarding most aspects with both. Both are very easy to handle - Good functional remote.
The REF 3 is excellent in every way. Overall the REF 3 is better than the Calypso.
In general the Calypso is a great preamp. Considering its price tag the Calypso is almost unbeatable.
The Calypso has many good sides which are written in many reviews, so I will not duplicate.
I will just compare the Calypso with the REF 3 and will emphasize the differences:

NOISE – the Calypso is not a quite preamp. Out of the box with its original tubes it does not have
an acceptable quite background. I replaced the original tubes with the same tubes, brand new ones but with no success – very noisy.
NOS tubes (I tried few NOS tubes – the Telefunken are OK for the job )
decreased the noise significantly, but even than the REF 3 is much better: The REF 3 is not only quieter but it is a QUITE preamp.

Sound and Resolution details – Compare with the Calypso the REF 3 has better resolution and details in the upper range.
Also the upper range is smoother and easier for the listener. The mids are good with both preamps. The REF 3 mid and lower bas are more tight.
The Calypso overall sound has more attack and is more punchy. The REF 3 is more laid-back.

User interface – Both preamps have good functional remote control. The REF 3 remote control has more functions: Tube hours, Phase, SE/BAL and more.
The screen panel of the REF 3 is also more detailed.

Heat - The REF 3 is a quite hot for a preamp, much more than the Calypso. On a standard rack it will possibly need a ( special purpose quite ) ventilation.

If you want the best – take the REF 3.
Take the REF 3 even if value for money is what you are looking for.
If you want a great preamp for $5000 than the Calypso is a great contender !
Duonri, Great write up on the differences. Very similar in many ways to my impressions of the two. I run my Calypso with the low gain setting and with the NOS tubes, I find that it is quite silent (vs. with the stock tubes) and several other tubed preamps I have owned (Cary and BAT). However, I agree with you that the REF 3 is more quiet even that the Calypso with NOS tubes and the low gain setting. However, I can turn my Calypso up to about 50 and not hear a thing from my seating position in terms of noise.

Have a great time with the REF 3 and sorry the thread got sort of hi-jacked by the power cable crew.