NAD C372 & Gallo Ref 3.1

Is the NAD C372 sufficient to drive these speakers?
A lot of receivers such as the NAD that you have mentioned will run the speakers, but whether or not you like the sound is another issue you may have to deal with.

What one person likes you may not, and vice versa as everybody hears things differently and not to mention room acoustics play a part also. Have you searched the forums to see what other members are using ?

Not trying to beat you up on this, but in your previous post, you mention that you have no clue as to what you are doing, so why did you buy the Gallo's ?

What did you have in your other system ?
LOL.....fair question. I didn't buy them - they were my brother's and I really liked them, so when he was ready to move on (which he seemingly does with regularity), I inherited them.

I could ask him, but if I do, it will become a month long discussion. I love him dearly, but he's a fanatic.
Oooops....didn't see the last part of your question. The system that he had, which is what I liked so much, had the Gallos, which I now have, the Gallo SA, a Shanling SCD-T200C CD player, and a couple of other things that I don't need...
What I always use as a rule of thumb: Spend equally on all parts of a system. Period.
So, if you really like them, why not buy something better than a receiver to go along with them ? Buy something that you can get good sound from and not something that you wont be happy with and will want to change in a few months . Or buying something on impulse.

If your brother was into this hobby like many of us here, I am sure that they sounded great and depending on what he used to power them, I dont think that a receiver is going to give you the same sound that you and him enjoyed.

I also have these speakers and enjoy listening to them and plan on keeping them for a long time.