NAD C372 & Gallo Ref 3.1

Is the NAD C372 sufficient to drive these speakers?
I do agree, big price difference. the thing is the Gallo's are being compared to double there price. This is what reviewers and owners claim and because of this I am comparing them as such. And personally I didnt hear it. For $3k, some what full range and for there smaller size, I guess there OK, but not for me. For what its worth, before them I had a pair of Martin Logan Ascent i's. Again $1.5 k difference in price, but the logans crushed them. dont get me wrong Logans have a lot of issues of there own. but there was just a lot more musical enjoyment out of them. For those who havent tried a big speaker that throws a large sound(martin logan,legacy, magneplanar,etc, once you try them, its hard to change. They seam to sound like there comming from a large stage. Most speakers that are smaller sound like there comming from a little space in the air. Maybe its just me. I do think ive heard good sounding small speakers. I have a pair of signature s2's that sound nice. But they still sound like a speaker and not a live performance. Maybe others just like the speaker sound, I can uderstand there are differences. Anyway, for me the gallos are over all a no go. By the way i had the Martin Logan Aeon i's and they also were better by a margine. The price is extremely close on these two speakers.
Sthomas, how is your reply post in any way responsive to Katee's original post? Katee has a pair of Gallo 3.1 speakers, wants to know if a NAD ampifier will sufficiently drive them, and your response is that you do not like Gallo 3.1 speakers. This seems to be something of a trend where some posters feel compelled to provide their opinion on a subject, whether relevant or not to the original query.

You do not like the 3.1? Fine. Now answer the query - Do you think the NAD will drive them?
Hey RL..........I think that NAD is a good product. I too owned them in the past. But "strong, ballsy" is a bit much. Amps that are ballsy double their RMS power from 8 to 4 ohms and then again at 2 ohms. The NAD doesn't come close. Note the specs on the NAD page talk about its "dynamic power" at 4 and 2 ohms and even that doesn't come close to doubling. Lets call a spade a spade. NAD is a very good mid fi piece. Nothing more.

Mr. Jamesgarvin-dont wish to be rude but.....

who died and made you forum monitor? Ill response any way I wish. Its my time and I enjoy saying what I have to say about a item when there is a chance to do so. Its becoming a new trend to do this as you say because its a CHAT forum, and its not a new trend, its the way its always been. There any many people looking at these forums, myself included, who read through all the forums in order to gain knowledge and opionions on certain speakers. I believe I my opinion is as important as yours. And for the record I believe this statement below that was in my above response does let anyone interested in the following amps in the future know, they didnt do the job on the gallo 3.1's. Sometimes people look through these to see what other amps are recommended for the Gallo's if the NAD is said by some not to work well. Thats what I tried to do.

from above reply.
"Ive used the following amps on them if interested Ayre v-5xe, 8bst bridged(400watts x 2 8ohm), 8bst bi amped, 4bst, 9bsst. Non did what I hoped for. "

-But if this is what you want to hear to make you so upset. *** Ive never used NAD producta before. and have absolutely no idea how they would work. But the following response to me was found to be the biggest waste of time or space because it told us absolutely nothing about NAD or Gallo, and we are all now dumber for having to read it.

06-17-08: Jamesgarvin
Sthomas, how is your reply post in any way responsive to Katee's original post? Katee has a pair of Gallo 3.1 speakers, wants to know if a NAD ampifier will sufficiently drive them, and your response is that you do not like Gallo 3.1 speakers. This seems to be something of a trend where some posters feel compelled to provide their opinion on a subject, whether relevant or not to the original query.

You do not like the 3.1? Fine. Now answer the query - Do you think the NAD will drive them?