Is the magic in shindo or verity?

I was totally blown away by an inexpensive system. After hearing magico minis II with solution tube amps and zanden cd player, I went to hear the verity fidelio driven by all shindo. Shindo amp -75 watt, preamp the one above monribson. Of course vinyl was the source, a gerrard based shindo rebuild turntable .
The sound was remarkably life-like.
What was the key player that made this sound so much better than most other systems I have heard? I know synergy is the key, but does the shindo make everything sound good or do these verity's always sound good? It actually made me forget mbl's.
Cerrot, just curious as to what model Shindo gear you heard to make you go "Wow!".
It was the Shindo Monbrison Preamp and the Shindo Cortese Power Amp. Source was an Accuphase CD player and Speakers were the Living Voice Avatar IBX speakers. It was at "In Living Stereo" in NYC. Never asked what cables or power conditioner being used were. The transparency absolutely blew me away. Soundstage and detail were excellent but it was the transparency that did it. I just heard, no, felt, the music portrayed in front of me. I have spent hours at "The Show" listening to many systems and my dealer has some great set ups (B&W 800D, Classe amps, CD & preamp in one system I auditioned; Ayre mono amps, preamp and CD player into Dynaudio Saphires in another), plus my own system (Esoteric X03SE, Innersound amps, preamp, Electrostatics) but it is the experience from that Shindo system gave me that I need to experience in my home home one day, before I pack it all in.

I'm thinking of 5 years with what I have, and then Shindo here I go.