Amp for Dali Hellicon 400 mk2

any suggestions for powering my dali far..have used a nad 218 and an ati 1506..neither of which made them sound overly inspirational...
Damn, I hate stories about blowing drivers. That really surprises me because I was driving them with amps capable of 1000 watts into 4 ohms, with no problemo in a large, well damped room.

When you say "crazy loud" were you sitting there in front of them and actually listening when the driver crapped out?? You shouldn't be turning them way up and listening from another part of the house. You should be able to get 85+dB averages and peaks of say 105 or so without blowing things up. Compressed rock can be played over 90dB averages, generally without harm. Usually a speaker will blow because of a short with power on or underpowered clipping blowing the tweeters. I'm surprised that a speaker of this quality blew at any kind of level that you'd actually listen to.

ya..u summed it up Dave..i was shocked when they blew..and yes..i was in front of them..i have like a family room then the kitchen..all one was about 20 ft away...and excuses from a spker like starting to think that the spker is more hype than i have yet to be really moved by i say..i was at my bros last night..we finnished off the night..after too many beers with some it was mesmorizing..from 800 dollar spkers..and here..mine blew at volumes less than he played his at..he has some great synergy with the nad i guess...we'll seehow this dreadnaught 2 plays out
I've got a Conrad Johnson CA200 that I'm going to put up for sale in the next few days (trying figure out where I left the silly remote). Anyway, that'll work with you DALIs.

Still, I'm wondering about ATI incident. 20 feet away means you've got a large room. If you've got a lot of furniture, thick rugs, then you may be driving them too hard. You may need to consider something way more sensitive or move up a lot closer to the speakers. You might move them to the long wall and not sit so far away. That'll give you a wider image and get rid of side-wall reflections. A large room can suck up a ton of power. You might have had them running over 100dB average at 10-ft. That'll do in many speakers.

I'm surprised with your blowing a driver. I have Helicon 800 Mk 1, and I have played them at quite loud levels with a 400w/ch. transistor amp without a hint of strain whatsoever. I'm very sensitive to how far I can drive a speaker without pushing a driver too hard. I hear when a speaker or driver is reaching the limits of its capacity.
well..the room they are in is actually an all cedar room with carpet and my couches..bay window etc..still..i had 12 yr old paradigm reference spkers b4 these..and they were fine..i upgraded to dali as i was looking for a real 'up'in the emotion evoked by music..and so far..disappointed on a few levels..most of which is the reliability..second of which is soundstage.,.when i upgraded to my paradigms years ago..i was in sonic heaven...i was expecting the same from these...not by decibals...i play it at like -15 to about -7 to really feel them...i have played them at +1..but..i shouldnt have to go that loud to get these babies bros kit is in his like a sure that helps his sound..but still..the addition of the nad did wonders..i should have gone for the paradigm sig series i think.