Amp for Dali Hellicon 400 mk2

any suggestions for powering my dali far..have used a nad 218 and an ati 1506..neither of which made them sound overly inspirational...
My last comment on the topic.

Dan, Dave has consistently expressed issues with the Dalis lowest octave, so you should be sure that you are satisfied with their performance there as you sort these out in your own system. In my rig, I am satisfied with their bass performance. I also don't recall any professional reviewers having a similar level of dissatisfaction in that area, but I may have missed something.

These speakers, like all speakers, are a balanced compromise. That comprise will never please everyone.

Good luck!
Bob said:
"These speakers, like all speakers, are a balanced compromise. That comprise will never please everyone."

Yes, but at this price point the compromise is larger than most of us suspect.

I've tried hard to figure out what was going wrong with these speakers when I listened. (We tried five differrent amps). I've relooked at Stereophile's measurements several times and don't see a culprit there. It must have been room interaction, but other speakers placed right next to the DALIs had no such problems. Others have reported similar problems with the DALIs, so the issue is not limited to room where I auditioned them.

So, maybe they're both amp sensitive and room sensitive.


ok nice..both your inputs are very relevant..i totally agree with the synergy idea..if u see my earlier posts Bob..that nad improved my bros system by about was a magic pill....but Daves point is very valid as well..i mean come on..almost 7k on speakers and they dont kick serious ass..pple sell babies for less than that price point..they should be perfect on many levels...gues i may swap a few more amps...but that is a pain..what about the bel canto evo series?
Dan001, you haven't mentioned a dealer yet. Did you buy the DALIs off A'gon or a dealer? If a dealer, then what amp was he using when you auditioned them? It might have been a smaller room than yours, but it would be a good starting point.

I really doubt that the Bel Canto will do any more for you.

One other thing, how far out are they into the room? They actually like to be relatively close to the rear wall, but away from the corners. You may find them best only one or two feet away from the back wall. You'll run into bass modes there, but if move them out a few inches at a time, listening to a recording with lots of bass AND a female vocal, then you can get that all in balance That close to the wall very small moves make a huge difference.

eh Dave..i bought them on this site..2 months old..i have had them for about 2 100 hours on them..guy i got them from went to the helli 800 mk2 ..he told me these were barely 50 hours on them..too small for his room..i have forgotten what he was driving them with..i will email him....i have them 12 inches from far as the bel..u dont think it will eh..ok..this dreadnaught is a behemoth..takes up as lot of space