Krell KCT/FPB-300cx vs. Pass Labs X1/X250.0

I'm looking to upgrade my Pre-Amp./Amp. to one of these two Systems. The Pass Labs models are current and come highly recommended, but there is no local Dealer to demo. I'm well familier with the Krell pair, which I have heard many times, and have been mighty impressed every time.

My SACD/CD Player is Non-Cast, so I will connect via Balanced (XLRs).

Any experiences with this gear into Wilson Audio Speakers?
Do not have those speakers or the Krell pre, but I do have the 300cx and it is a superb, musical -- yes, musical -- amp with tons of power for full range speakers.

Don't listen to what some of the carpers say about Krell until you listen to it. Mine is dead reliable, a pleasure to listen to and as musical as any amp I have listened to in 35+ years of this mania.

Neal said:

"Don't listen to what some of the carpers say about Krell until you listen to it. Mine is dead reliable, a pleasure to listen to and as musical as any amp I have listened to in 35+ years of this mania."

I've been a Krell supporter for decades (not an owner, but when friends asked me about Krell I always suggested giving them a try). However, lately I've been reading about lots of problems with one of their CD/SACD players and extremely slow warranty response and similar disturbing things. Has there been a management or ownership change that I missed?

What is there reliability and customer service really like these days? BTW, the troubles that read about seem to be related to newer units, not the good ole legacy products.
