RCA to XLR cable ok from DVP to Pre/Pro?

I want to use a high quality CDP/DVP in my HT setup. I am seriously considering buying one of several pre/pros (ie, Classe SSP600, Parasound C1/C2) that only allow 2 channel analogue bypass/passthrough via XLR balanced inputs from CDP/DVP, but I may only have unbalanced RCA out. Will I significantly degrade SQ (or defeat purpose) by using an RCA-to-XLR cable to overcome this obstacle? Thanks much. Jeff
Just reembered...I auditioned the DV-60 for 2 weeks before I went with the X-03SE and I used both single ended and balanced (both Tara Labs The One) and, in my system, the balanced did sound noticibly better. It was back in December and forgot I even had it in the house. I do have a full balanced system, though.

The dynamics were better, more air around the instruments and blacker back ground.

I guess I am enjoying the X-03 so much that I forgot all about the DV-60. The DV-60 was a great sounding unit but I didn't need the video capabilities (never even hooked the video up) and felt I didn't want to pay money for a circuit I would never use (I have a separate dedicated home theater). Since my budget allowed, I went with the X-03 SE. I gotta say, though, I could have easilly settled for the DV-60 if cost was an issue.
Sorry, been away a while. Cerrot, that's interesting about the dv60. Guess, like it's always said, it's about synergy. I will now have a balanced system as I got a Sunfire prepro with balanced outs for the mains to feed balanced inputs on the Sunfire amp. The Sunfire may be a notch below the others, but I couldn't resist the price (1400 shipped for a NEW unit). Will see how it sounds, and won't lose much if I sell it. On the DVP front, I've also changed direction and will be trying a modded Denon 3930ci from The Upgrade Company. Says it's better than stock dv50/dv60. It also does 1080p, so that's an added benefit. We shall see...
Jeffkad, I have heard many good things about the modded Denon. And that is a great price for the Sunfire. Good luck and I hope you're very happy with both. Please let us know your thoughts after all is broken in.