Pass vs Simaudio

I am looking to upgrade my amp. My current system is Accustic Arts front end, TACT preamp, Simaudio W-5 amp and Von Schweikert vr5 speakers. I am thinking about the Simaudio Evolution series W-7 or the Pass x-250.5. Any thoughts on these 2 as an upgrade ?? Any thoughts on other amps in this price class. Thanks.
Not familiar with the X250.5, but very familiar with the original X350. Pass has the edge in warmth, if that's what you like. The Moon has the advantage in deep bass reproduction, with more slam and control, especially with difficult speakers. Overall, it's pretty close, but I'd take the Moon for its overall bigger soundstage and, I guess, somewhat more accurate reproduction. I depends a lot on your speakers too, though. Both are great choices.