Mcintosh or Classe

Is Mcintosh as good as Classe? I am considering replacing my old CA-300 for a mc 402 and don't want to be disappointed. I've considered getting another classe but they don't make a model that is 300w in my budget, the closest would be 200w. The Mcintosh is 400w.
My dealer said it will be about another week on the c2300. Will let you know how it sounds with the 402.
I'm trading my MC402 for a Classe CA-2200. You didn't say what speakers you were using. With the McIntosh C2300 and the MC402 my Martin Logan speakers sound as engaging as week old dog turds. After a short listen you think it's fine but listen longer and you realize it's just not right. I think amps with autoformers need a uniform impedence curve over most of the spectrum. If your speakers impedence gets real low at the frequency extremes you will not get the extension and air that gives music it's emotional content. Oddly, the C2300 and CA-2200 turned out to have great synergy, much better than a Classe preamp with the Classe amp. I will have to get used to the disparate styling.