Spectron III SE vs. Signature III SE MK2

Any impressions from those who have owned the former and now own the latter. Discernible sound improvement with MK2?

Also, anyone install the V-caps. How did that work out.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Just to clarify,
Spectron Amps in the Muscian Series (I think)

Muscian II
Muscian III
Muscian III SE (Signiture Edition)
Muscian III SE Mk 2 the latest iteration released in April/May of '08.

Correct me if I am mistaken please.
I presume there is no Mk3 and
no Mk models for the Musician II

Radicalsteve, I think you had the Musician II
and now have the Musician III SE Mk2 by reading your comments on the sound.


and loving it
Question for any of you Spectron III MK2 owners;

How close before you hear any noticeable sound (hiss or any other)coming from your speakers when music is not playing.

My systems have always been dead quiet when using solid state, you would have to put you head right up close to hear anything which would be very faint.
Hello Dev,

With solid state or passive preamp - nothin' , nada, total silence. With tube preamp - yes, some tube hiss - but its aslo largely depends on the sensitivety of the speakers, age of the tubes etc and only when I put my ear to the tweeter (my speakers are B&W 802N) .

All The Best
No hiss here...I own a Musician III SE Mark 2. It has a slight tick in the left channel upon turn on, but it's a moot point (no pun intended) cuz I run it 24/7, aside from the occasional power cord swap, etc. Never heard the Mark 1 though; this was a brand new mark 2 that I demo'd and bought the demo.
I have had my new Spectron III SE MK2 for 2 weeks so it is still being broken in. After a rough 100-200 hours of break-in and 24/7 music playing the sound coming out of the amp now (around 300 hours) is, as the kids say, awesome, absolutely awesome. I can really crank her up now. The difference between the MK1 and MK2 is easily discernible. I had both upgrades put in but not being able to compare to a stock MKII I cannot tell you how much they contribute to the sound improvements. I can tell you though that the clarity of sound is spectacular and I would have to assume that the Bybee upgrade is contributing to that. That's all for now.