Spectron III SE vs. Signature III SE MK2

Any impressions from those who have owned the former and now own the latter. Discernible sound improvement with MK2?

Also, anyone install the V-caps. How did that work out.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Regarding break in for the MK2 upgrade: What do you suppose is the 'window' of time needed when looking at two scenarios: just having the amp on 24/7 with 1-2 hrs of play time per day vs. having a source playing through it 24/7? I need to balance my desire to hear the upgrade in the near future and to not drive my spouse crazy.
Got my 2nd Mk 2 on order, for monoblock-isizing!!! Can't wait. I'm an idiot for wanting to fix what ain't broken 9my system sounds glorious right now), but by all reports the monoblocks "go one louder". I'll report back, once they are broken in. 2nd amp arrives in a couple weeks.
With my ear pressed up against any spot on my planars there is no sound or hiss. I know what you are refering to because my BAT 150SE would generate a faint hiss by the tweeters.