Adcom GFA-545 - Modify or Move On?

Reading reviews and helpful comments here on Audiogon has been helping me spend money for years but I’ve reached a point with my system that has me stumped as to what to do next.

I’m currently using two vertically bi-amped Adcom GFA-545 amplifiers. I feel they have enough power and I’m able to achieve very good imaging with the Paradigm Studio 100 speakers. Although I don’t find the Adcoms especially bad in any one area I feel there is definitely room for improvement, more liquid mids and softer highs would be great. Further improving the imaging and depth of the sound stage would be additional goals.

So the dilemma; upgrade the Adcoms with the help of Musical Concepts ( or move on. What really got me thinking about moving on are the great reviews on the Odyssey Stratos. At under a grand used this puts this amp within reach of my budget and is roughly the same cost as the modifications that would be performed on the Adcoms. However, my biggest hang-up in this decision is the ability of the current system to image so well. I’m worried that moving to one amp will reduce this ability.

Other details on the system include a Counterpoint SA-1000 preamp, a basic Onkyo carousel through a California Audio Labs Sigma II DAC for the source, Audioquest Copperheads for RCAs and Paul Speltz’s Anti-Cables for speaker cable.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You will not get your money back if you choose to sell your modified Adcom, or most modified equipment. Go with the Stratos.
2nd Somec59s' comments.The Stratos is much better and you will probably improve your imaging using a single amp.
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Thanks for all the suggestions. I know the Adcoms have their flaws but I've liked them at their price point. Both were had for roughly $200 each so I guess I'm being less critical and willing to overlook some negatives given their price.

I'll start my search for a used Stratos.