Ayre MR-X monoblocks - how good are they??

I will say off the bite here, tube monoblocks are my prerefence.
However always in the state of mind to go no maintenance no worry SS.

How good is the MRX compared to it's up to 25K competition.

Is it tubelike and nice to poor recordings as Charles Hansen seems to like to advertise. " It took 4 mnths ot voicing to get crap modern cordings to listenable and enjoyable"
If any AMP does this consistently I want it.

do you really nee balancedc connections to make it sound best.

ie is balanbced cardas cross b etter than SE Valhalla??

I heard the Ayre combo more than 1 occasion on different speakers. Not trying to say Ayre is bad, just saying I wasn't impressed and I already stated the fact Avalon ISIS which was not known to be musical could be the culprit. I also stated I wasn't familiar with the rest of the chain and room, so it was just my opinion and take it with a grain of salt. However, I did hear Lamm 2.2 in my home before and many consider Lamm to be more musical than Ayre. Even with Lamm, I prefer my tube setup by a mile, so did everyone who heard the comparision.

Bianci, I heard them in Singapore dealer.

Grand prix stand might be OK, however I am not a fan of their racks. They sway like the breeze and add a bit of upper energy which can be tiresome over time.

The Pass XONO is no chopped liver and can easily hold its own to the Einstein, PH7, Steelhead or evern the Aesthetix IO if you look at the strenghts and weaknesses of each.
The Einstein is a great phono stage extremely dynamic - however it is very revealing, so not very kind or musical on normal recordings. I may have a nother listen to the Einstein soon if I can.
PH7 - great phono stage - however does not have enough gain for my LOMC's.
Steelhead - in my system has never sounded musical, just SS with little hint it has tubes.
Aesthestix IO sig - great sounding unit - overall better that the Xono in most respects - except NOISE. I have always got residual tube noise and I am not paying that much money for noise.

My dealer says the MX-R don't sound goood whatsoever. They have not put any hours on them thou, hence asking the question.

I would agree with you that a good tube amp just has something in the upper mids and treble that SS can't seem to tonally grab, however everything is a compromise.
Stilskin and Semi

were the MX-R's you both heard fully run in?? I know Arye state quite firmly that they need 300-400 hours to sound decent.

Both of you seem to have completely different views of the amps - which is fine

Not sure. I like the original ART the way it sounds now with the ever so slight warmth.
ART 3 is a lot more money and a lot more neutral sounding from all reports. Not quite sure if that is for me.
Would be nice to try both side by side - in my dreams :-)