Tubes vs. SS

I recently made the move to a tube pre-amp, a Rogue 66 Magnum. I had been using an Anthem TLP-1 with my Anthem MCA20 (solid state) and just wanted to check out the tube world.
I fired it up for the first time last night and listened for a short time. The source was a newer CD, a collaboration with Herbie Hancock, Michael Brecker and a couple others, the title of which escapes me. The sound was different, but I couldn't tell how much I liked it.
What I'd like to ask of anyone else who has made the move from ss pre to tube pre is, what were the things/changes that you noticed?
You know, the strings sounded such, or vocals sounded thus, imaging was whatever or the soundstage changed???
I understand that the listening experience is unique for everyone. I'm just seeking some landmarks so to speak and, of course, some opinions.
Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkmulkey
Good points Undertow. Some of the "high-end" tube amps and pre-amps are, indeed, very colored, but some, like ARC, are very neutral and open. I agree that many, no matter their budget, never outgrow the need for a warmer signature than neutral, with a good dose of even-order distortion thrown in to boot. That's valid, so I guess I am mistaken to say that's "the wrong direction." It's wrong for me, but lots of people happily inhabit that territory.

So, I guess what I'm trying to do is make it clear for "newbies" that some of the very best tube equipment has almost no color. Despite that, at any budget point, you can also choose very colored tube equipment. When SS designers try to "voice" their equipment, I generally think they're less successful.

I tend to be drawn to higher end SS devices because of my desire for neutrality.

I was going to suggest different tubes vs. the basic "Non-colored" russian types probably in the rogue gear but figured that might get more confusing, and costly for somebody that does not know where to start! Basically I just knew rogue is known for not being the best representation of "Tube" sound.

I understand what you are saying, and can agree, problem is many others don't! Ha, but yeah I mean why have a pair of 200 dollar telefunkens if you are not looking to tilt or alter your reference sound from the original was my only point, otherwise anything used would be considered perfect reference sound... Obviously you buy them for the more "Traditional" sound and tuning purposes as much as many love to say "don't use components, cables, or tubes for tone", so its not just all about who can make the Whitest most flawless sheet at a price point was my only argument.