Class D amp with Tube Preamp Combo?

Have you ever tried a good class D/T amp & tube preamp combination? I have read their can be some occasional problems matching these together?

I was thinking of going this way to get the drive, clarity and efficiency of the switching amp combined with the warmth and full body of the tube pre amp.

What setup are you using?

My first post by the way! I have been reading this forum for the last two weeks learning about audio and what to buy for my first serious system.
I suspect you're right Guido, or it could be the new capcitors.

Anyone got a Continuum 250 (without PFC) and would they share their burn-in experience???

Jaffa_777 No problems here with my class D tubed pre combo. The addition of my tubed preamp was a step in a better direction for my class D amps and system. A warmer presentation indeed.
Im using a deHavilland Mercury II preamp with the NuForce 9.02 SE V2 amps in single ended mode with stunning results
Yoby, you hit on a great combination. A sweet tubed pre-amp with a SOTA class D. I ended up with my Modwright while looking for a deHavilland. Funny thing, nobody wanted to sell theirs! Still, I love my rig. I wish I could hear everyone else's rig. Wait, maybe not, I would just spend more money!