Using two channel amps as monos?

I'm considering using two identical two channel Edge M8m amps as monoblocks. Any thoughts or advice on this configuration would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not familiar with your amps, but are you bridging them to Mono, or using one channel of each in a "stereo-mono" operating mode?

I'm far from an authority on this topic, but I think it depends on the amp. Except for raw power output, many amps don't perform as well bridged (ie, sonically)as as the do un-bridge. Parasound published in some of their user manuals that using them in "stereo-mono" will produce better sonics than when bridged. In addition, because the power supply is only driving one channel, the power output is about 40% higher than rated for 2 channels driven.
I was planning on using the left channel on one and the right channel on the other, so I'm basically using one half of each two channel amp. So I guess your refering to a "stereo mono mode". My hope, since I have two identical two channel amps was in channel separation by using two independant power supplies. I have never tried this, but it seems feasable unless someone knows of any negatives in this approach.
In theory you should gain aeparation with 2 chassis and a little more power/headroom with one power supply for each channel. Will you hear a difference? Try it and let us know.

Only negative might be the unused amp channel not being hooked up to a load. With most SS, the amp doesn't mind but you might check with the manufacturer to be sure.