Krell KAV-400xi vs. Parasound A21+P3

Hi all,

Which one is better between Krell KAV-400xi and Parasound A21+P3?

I have a pair of NHT classic three with Kimber 8TC.

I am open for other amp that is less than $1,400.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you
Stevecham - high appreciations for your input and further clarifications of JA measurments...

However, I could not live with amp proclamed at 200/400Wpc (8/4 ohms) with a smallish 750VA transformer. Cooling devices aside...

If I were asked, I would create a Krell integrated between heavily compromised KAV-400xi and absolutely non-compromised (and insanely priced) FBI... At some 5-6k dollars, this one may be the killer...
Zormi, I agree with what you say. However, depending on the size room to be filled and the dynamic needs of the listener, design considerations aside, sonically and muscially the 400xi is a value winner. As I said it compares favorably with my KCT/400cx combo and certainly that combo isn't lacking in power capabilities.
Stevecham< "not to mention a much better current capacity doubling down to 2 Ohms. Parasound gear is not rated at 2 Ohms. If you don't need this current capability then Parasound may well fit your needs."

The current ability of the Parasound and heat dissapation is one of the main reasons to get the Parasound.

You also certainly can't compare the old lower tier Parasound designs to the new Halo stuff. They are completely different animals.

Krell: 750va Transformer
Parasound: 1.2 kva Transformer

Krell: 55,000 UF power supply filter capacitance
Parasound: 100,000 UF power supply filter capacitance

Krell: weight 36lbs
Parasound: combined weight 75lbs (The power transformer alone weighs as much as the Krell integrated)

Krell: Current ?
Parasound: 60 peak amperes per channel

Krell: Get's hot under normal listening conditions
Parasound: Runs relatively cool even when driven hard

The Krell is not rated for 2 ohm use either, not on their website, and not in the manual (and it certainly won't "double" it's current capacity at 2ohms, if it could it would weigh about 100+lbs), but I'd be willing to bet money in a 2 ohm torture test that the Krell would give up the ghost MUCH sooner. It's just physics. A much larger power supply, and much larger heatsinks will deliver more power (current)and dissapate more heat under any given load.

I'm not saying that the Krell isn't a great product. It is very attractive, has a good build quality and performs reasonably well for a $2500 integrated, but it still is just a somewhat compact integrated amp. I'm sure it is very enjoyable to listen to. This is still just the lowest model in the Krell line though.

In the back of my mind sometimes I think that all this crazy system with all it's complexity, variables, and cost might just be simpler and better served with just an integrated such as the Krell or Creek Destiny, and a player and pair of speakers... Then I sit down a listen to a new CD I picked up and realise why I do all this. It's probably the single most enjoyable thing I have in my life to be able to hear music like I'm in the studio with the artists. There isn't an integrated that can yet do that.
I would go for the Parasound combo. here, unless you could squeeze into Krell's KAV-280p/2250 seperates, which should be a step-up sonically from the Parasound pair. The KAV-400xi and Parasound seperates are inexpensive enough to buy all 3 and A/B them in your Home & System - which is what I would suggest.
Tusa, good point regarding the KAV-2250...

KAV-400xi: 750VA transformer for 200Wpc, 14 kilos overall.
KAV-2250: 2000VA transformer for 250Wpc, 31 kilos overall.

If 750VA can handle 200/400Wpc, why waste so much bigger transformer (2000VA..!!) for ONLY 50W additional power...???