Good integrated amp for Paradigm Studio 40?

Just got my Studio 40 v2s, now looking for an integrated amp (sub $1k used) to match with them. any suggestions?
Absolute Sound did an extremely favorable review of the Onkyo A-9555 class D integrated with its matching CD player and the Paradigm Studio 20's. On another audio forum I came across favorable comments about the Onkyo driving a pair of Studio 100's.

I personally haven't heard the Onkyo yet, but I have one on order. I'll be using it to drive a pair of Mirage OMD-15s, which should present a similar load to the Paradigm Studio series.

Although it lists at $799, you can get the A-9555 from J&R Music World for $449 + shipping, or $474 from Amazon with free shipping and a 30-day return period.

You can also get a factory refreshed one w/1-year warranty from for $400.

All the reviews I've read of the A-9555 describe it as engagingly musical and slightly on the warm side of neutral.

If you want a small footprint, however, there's the Trio Integrated from PS Audio. They list at $1595, however, so you'd have to do some serious searching for a used unit.
I'll second the Onkyo A-9555. A friend has a pair of Paradigm 100s v3 that she is driving with the Onkyo and it's quite nice; a bit warmish yet nicely detailed. She replaced an NAD 325 which I liked too, but the Onkyo was better (or so 3 of 3 of us felt).

If you go the Onkyo route, be sure and give it 100 hours or so. When young, the amp sounded somewhat brash but settled down nicely.

Good luck.