Preamp Suggestions??

Hi. I've recently begun moving from the "big box" crapiophile-level equipment to mid-fi audiophile equipment. I am a 2-channel listener only, so no A/V needs. I currently use an Adcom GFA-555 200 wpc power amp, an Arcam Alpha 8SE CD player, an Adcom GTP-500II preamp/tuner, and KEF Reference 103/4 tower loudspeakers. I use fairly nice Audioquest solid speaker cables and interconnects (Glowpower Zyxt interconnects from preamp to amp). It has been suggested that my next step up the hobbyist ladder should be to upgrade the preamp & move to a separate tuner. Again, this is just hobbyist fiddling, as the system sounds great as is. Is there a particular standout in the budget (under $500 used) preamp market?? Many thanks.
Hi, I would say that the power amp is the weak point. I am using an old Adcom GFP 1-A preamp with my custom tube power amplifiers.. Dont let the rich guys talk you down.. The Adcom is a decent preamp. I have a Conrad Johnson preamp and the Adcom is better, hands down. If you are interested in a nice stereo tube power amp let me know, I can custom build to order. It will definitely change the way you listen. What is the efficiency of you speakers?
Preamps in the sub $500 range go quickly. You have to be ready to act quickly if you want to get a good deal.

I see a Rogue Metis in the classifieds right now for $450. This is a well regarded tube preamp that includes a phono section and remote control. It will add some warmth to your SS amp and be a nice foundation to build on. If I were in your shoes I'd jump on it. Live with it for a month and do back-to-back comparisons with your Adcom GTP-500II. That should give you plenty of time to hear the difference. There's a nice review of the Metis at 10 Audio
Will I also need a tube tuner??
I think you're referring to biasing, but maybe you literally mean a tuner. FWIW, tube preamps don't need to be biased, but tube amps do. Instructions are usually included with the unit.
If you like DIY kits, the Bottlehead Foreplay is unbeatable for $450. It's certainly not swanky looking, but the sound is what counts and you'll learn a lot by building it. Check out this forum:

best bang for the buck tube preamp?

If a kit isn't your idea of fun, there's a Foreplay in the classifieds right now for 450:

Another suggestion is Dynaco Pas 3. This is well-regarded classic with a huge following. I see one in the classifieds right now :
I own the Onix Melody 3, and have decided to experiment with it by adding two Musical Fidelity 550WPC Super Chargers between it and my sonus faber concerto big bookend type speakers.
That should heat up the 100 year old wiring with seriously questionable grounding in my san francisco flat.