Spectral DMC 30SS& DMA 250, need advice

I have the amps and 350/770 cables comming next week, like to know should I use MIT power cords and powerstrips or sthg else. I have some K-S Emotions PC on hand.
Room is 16x20' with 13' ceiling, Metronome T2i CDP and Eggleston The Nine speakers.
Again - sorry gentlemen to partly disagree - Spectral also loves other cords. I've lived with Spectral for a long time, have used their cords and still have their power conditioning but have found that Spectral's love can be fickle, as far as powercords are concerned. They live happily in sin with other wire as well. So Teddy bear don't worry, experiment and use your ears.
Keithr, please forgive me, but what would you expect them to say: "Yes please use a powercord from our competition". Do you really believe that? Whatever, this is powercords not interconnects and even there, I remember when the Spectral 360 monos were being reviewed by Harry Pearson of the Absolute Sound many years ago, against all warnings, he used Nordost ics with good effect.....and so did I for many years and only switched to MIT later, thanks to the good services of Equus Audio, because I preferred the sound. Not so with powercords though, wished I could remember which I used. All I remember is that I used Bybee tails on them with good effect.
Spectral's and 350/770 ULII are in the house burning in. I'm using Kubala-Sosna Emotion power cords and the sound is outstanding right out of the box, so much more details, authority, ...
I'm using them in my second system with Metronome CD5i sig and Marten Miles III speakers.