Spectral DMC 30SS& DMA 250, need advice

I have the amps and 350/770 cables comming next week, like to know should I use MIT power cords and powerstrips or sthg else. I have some K-S Emotions PC on hand.
Room is 16x20' with 13' ceiling, Metronome T2i CDP and Eggleston The Nine speakers.
I have some Jorma NO1 and Prime IC's and No 1 SC's but am afraid of killing the amps.
Detlof- i was just saying that as there were no distributors in his part of the world.


My apologies Keith, I see your point of course.
Teddy, I am not familiar with those cables. the SC's are nothing to worry about, it is the IC's Spectral is warning about. If I were in your shoes, I'd try those IC's softly at first at low SPL and see what happens. Probably nothing, but then you can never be sure. Maybe follow Keith's advice after all, or get in touch with Joe Abrams of Equus Audio. He advertises here on A. He is very kind and helpful. Give him my regards and say I sent you.
Thank you vey much, SC is what I worry about. Spectral has special filter inside SC network.